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Marijuana Safe Usage Tips



State law allows you (21+) to purchase up to 1 ounce of cannabis flower or 1/8 ounce of cannabis concentrate per visit.

Avoid smoking or using marijuana in front of or around children, teenagers and minors. Never consume marijuana in a public place. Always medicate or smoke on your own private property. Always have your state issued marijuana registry ID card on your person. (Medical only.) Never drive under the influence of marijuana. A person can receive a DUI or injure themselves and others while driving under the influence of medical cannabis.

Never drive with marijuana in reach. Store the marijuana in the trunk or back of the vehicle.

Never smoke marijuana in a moving vehicle, even if you are the passenger.

Do not attempt to travel to another state or country with your marijuana. Your Nevada marijuana card may not be valid in other states. Search the internet and review our site for updates and changes to Safe Usage Tips regarding marijuana regulations in Nevada. Continue educating yourself with relevant and useful information about marijuana laws in Nevada at Nevada Wellness Center.



Edible Safe Usage Tips

Tip 1: Don’t Assume Anything When it comes to Edibles

The effects of ingesting an infused product differ considerably from the effects of smoking marijuana. You and you alone must figure out what dose is right for you, but before you do, be sure you take into consideration your height, weight, tolerance level, metabolism and overall health.

Many first-timers are taken aback by the higher potency and long-lasting effects of edibles. What that means is that the same amount of THC can last anywhere from 4-6 hours and be far more noticeable. Conversely, any unpleasant effects you feel may take the same amount of time to go away, so our best advice is to “start low and go slow.”

Tip 2: Start Low and Go Slow

With most edibles out on the market, 10 mg is the recommended dosage. Many compare this to one drink (meaning some people begin to feel the effects of one drink while others may feel nothing until they’ve had two or more).

Newbies, we recommend you start with a smaller dosage of 5mg and wait a while (at least 60 minutes) before adding another dose. The amount of time it takes for you to begin “feeling it” depends on the speed of your metabolism and what’s in your stomach. If you have a faster metabolism, you may start to feel the effects after 30-45 minutes, but if your metabolism is on the slower side, you may be waiting as long as two hours before the effects begin. So don’t rush it.

Tip 3: They May Be Small, But Don’t Go Wrong, These Are Strong

As we’ve already mentioned above, edibles can be extremely potent. Don’t underestimate them, respect them. Most edible manufacturers use one of three methods for “infusing” their edibles: hash oil, cannabis-infused butter or infused oil. What this means to you in plain terms is that they are all highly concentrated and therefore the effects can be really strong.

Be smart, read the label and make sure you understand your edibles portion size and how many doses/portions total are in each product before consuming.

All infused-edibles have to be clearly labeled and properly packaged – taking the guess-work out of it and making it easier to find the portion size that is right for you.

Tip 4: Know Your Body

Just like alcohol, there are several factors that can influence the efficacy (your desired result) when it comes to edibles. We already talked about your metabolism, but what about the effects of consuming edibles on an empty stomach vs. a full stomach? Our advice, “Eat a meal then try an edible.” Not the other way around. Food does not provide a “coating” effect for edibles as it does with liquor. Eating a meal after you’ve consumed too much cannabis can actually make it worse by increasing the amount of cannabis in your system. And whatever you do, please do not consume edibles with alcohol, the mixture can be catastrophic.

These tips are not meant to scare you. They’re simply to educate you so that you don’t find yourself in a position of feeling anxious, uncomfortable or sick.

Tip: 5: Don’t be “that” guy/gal

In summation, our last piece of advice is pretty easy to remember, be smart, don’t rush and dose responsibly.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For more information, call or email us today!

3200 S. Valley View

Las Vegas, NV 89102



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